



การพัฒนาระบบชุมชนแห่งการเรียนรู้วิชาชีพออนไลน์เพื่อการสื่อสาร (A Develop of Online Professional Learning Community System for Communication)

ผศ. ดร. ธันยวิช วิเชียรพันธ์ ดร. พรทิพย์ ครามจันทึก และศิริลาภ เหลืองเจริญลาภ

This research has as its objective a study of “The Improvement of Communication System for Professional Learning Community”. The monitoring survey sample consists of 30 teachers from region 9 provinces and the developing survey sample consists of 20 teachers (from schools in Eastern part of Thailand) and specialists in the improvement of communication system for professional learning community. The instruments used were communication system for professional learning community, a system quality assessment, a system effectiveness assessment, a communication effectiveness assessment, a satisfaction assessment, and a tool quality assessment designed to increase the efficiency of communication by experts from the PLC which consists of 3 important parts; a personal knowledge base, a show room, and a reflection room. The results of these system quality and system effectiveness assessments according to the suitability viewed by experts found that they were in a good level ( χ = 4.48 and SD = 0.36) and in a great level ( χ = 3.93 and SD = 0.66) respectively.

Keywords: professional learning community, communication, online community.

The paper was published in Sripatum Chonburi Journal in 2017.


เรียนกับตัวจริง ประสบการณ์จริง คณะศิลปศาสตร์

มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุม ชลบุรี
